New Music Discovery Show Featuring Original Music
Only - NO Covers!
You can submit your original music to the Radio New Music show two ways. Online: To submit your music online just send an email with MP3 files (we also accept other audio file types, WAV, etc.) as a file attachment - DO NOT SE ![]() DO NOT SEND Spotify, Bandcamp, DropBox, Google Drive, YouTube, LinkTree or any other similar INVITES OR LINKS! Please, ONLY send your songs as email attachments. EXCEPTION : For artists that have previously appeared on our show and we have established good two way email communications with - if you have an entire album(s) or song collection, please let me know and we will make an exception to our submission requirements above. We get 300-500 songs submitted per month - please follow our guidelines or we will not be able to review your music for broadcast. Please send as many emails as you like but most email servers will only allow only two to four songs per email. Our email address is: randy@radionewmusic.com IMPORTANT! Please include info about yourself or your band (gigs, bio, background) along with links to online websites, social media, etc., where listeners can interact with you and ask questions, become a fan, purchase your music, etc. Please include this info with each email submission of original material. Email submissions without artist/band contact info will be discarded. Postal Service / Snail Mail: Your music-CD, vinyl or cassette can also be sent via postal mail to: Randy Holt PO Box 128 Fort White, FL 32038 U.S.A. Telephone (352) 682 -8667 International callers dial 001-352-682 -8667 If your CD, vinyl or cassette recording contains originals and covers - please identify the original tracks for us. Also, please send any info about yourself (gigs, bio, background) along with links to online websites, social media, etc., where listeners can interact with you and ask questions, become a fan, purchase your music, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------
What kind of music do we play? Well, just about
This is a variety show - here's just a partial list... Solo Artists
- Bands - Rock - Pop - Country
Folk - Afro-pop - Alternative - Americana Ambient - R&B - Soul - Blues - Gospel - Jazz Worldbeat - Acoustic / Electric - Classical Instrumentals - Ancient Music - Drumming Techno - Dance - Spoken Word - And More! Featuring music from North America The Caribbean - Central & South America Africa - Asia - Europe - Oceania |